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Duncan Nevin

Nevin Tax and Accounting has created the best bookkeeping service available by partnering with XERO. You'll have 24/7 online access and the ability to speak with your personal bookkeeper. A real person that knows you and your business.


Small business accounting software that’s not available via the cloud can be tedious. Traditionally, it can suck up far too much of your business’ time and effort. This doesn't add value, and takes the fun out of being in business. Cloud software can save your company time and money.

So what is this thing called the cloud?

Think about when you use internet banking. Every time you access this data, you’re using the cloud. The cloud is a platform to make data and software accessible online anytime, anywhere, from any device. Your hard drive is no longer the central hub.

Problems with traditional accounting software

The data in the system isn’t up to date and neither is the software.
It only works on one computer and data bounces from place to place. For example, on a USB drive. This is not secure or reliable.
Only one person has user access. Key people can't access financial and customer details.
It's costly and complicated to keep backups (if done at all).
It's expensive, difficult and time-consuming to upgrade the software. Customer support is expensive and slow.
Why the cloud and accounting software are the perfect match

You can use cloud-based software from any device with an internet connection. Online accounting means small business owners stay connected to their data and their accountants. The software can integrate with a whole ecosystem of add-ons. It’s scalable, cost-effective and easy to use.

In the cloud, there’s no need to install and run applications over a desktop computer. Instead, you pay for the software by monthly subscription.

Cloud security is world class

As a small business owner, you might be concerned about a cloud service provider storing your data. But the cloud is one of the most secure ways to store information. For example, using cloud software, if your laptop is stolen, no one can access your data unless they have a login to the online account. With cloud software, this is where the data lives – as opposed to on your hard drive.

In the event of a natural disaster or fire, being in the cloud means business productivity doesn’t need to be affected because there’s no downtime. All of your information is safely and securely stored off site. As long as you have access to any computer or mobile device connected to the internet, you’re back up and running.

In addition to this, if you invite users to view your data, you can control the level of access. This is much more secure than the old-fashioned way of emailing your files or sending out a USB stick with your data on it.

Cloud-based software companies ensure that the security and privacy of data about you and your organization is always airtight. If you use online banking, then you’re already primed to use cloud accounting.

Five ways cloud software benefits your business

  1. You have a clear overview of your current financial position, in real time.
  2. Multi-user access makes it easy to collaborate online with your team 
    and advisors.
  3. Worry-free maintenance means you can spend more time doing what you love.
  4. Everything is run online, so there’s nothing to install and everything is backed up automatically. Updates are free and instantly available.
  5. Upfront business costs are reduced – version upgrades, maintenance, system administration costs and server failures are no longer issues. Instead, they are managed by the cloud service provider.

Work smarter with accessible data in the cloud

The beauty of this software is the flexibility it gives you to run your business from work, home, or on the go. You can be confident that you have an up-to-date picture of how your business is doing, no matter where you are.

Software updates can be developed and delivered faster and more easily in the cloud. This means you don’t need to worry about installing the latest version and you’ll get access to new features instantly. With cloud accounting software, you have the option to run your business remotely, from anywhere in the world. When data is fluid and accessible, the possibilities are endless.

XERO Small Business Guides

Mac accounting software that's elegant and intuitive

Duncan Nevin

Small businesses using Macs have the same financial tasks as those using PCs. But often it’s a challenge to find Mac accounting software that’s as feature-rich as the Windows version. So if you’re in the market for the best financial software for a Mac, what do you need to look out for?

Challenges for small businesses using a Mac

It’s likely that if you’re a Mac fan and user, you’ll have high expectations for the way your accounting software looks and performs. But when we talk to small businesses, it’s clear that while Mac users love their Apple products, they’re not as affectionate about their financial software. So why is this such a common sentiment?

Software that is just a lift and shift from PC to Mac doesn’t leverage the power and design that’s at the heart of Apple products. As a Mac user, you probably remember that moment when you first booted up your Mac and thought “Ahh”. And it’s that emotion that’s often lacking while using accounting software.

It’s no coincidence that the instant ease of use and logical user interface of Apple products have won countless awards. So when Mac users are confronted with software that doesn’t apply human logic to the design or functionality, financial tasks become painful. Accounting software on a Mac should ‘just work’.

Mac versions are often lacking in features

Most financial applications are designed for a PC first and then ported over to a Mac as an afterthought. As a result, Mac users are often left with feature lacking versions and poor customer support which is typically focused on PC usage. In many companies, customer support don’t fully know about or understand the Mac platform to help with in-depth questions.

It’s also common for Mac software versions to also have lots of unnecessary features. This can mean you end up getting a bloated suite of complex and confusing tools instead of what your small business really needs.

Make it a priority to go with software that doesn’t tack on features for the sake of it, and gets the balance of simplicity and usability just right. You should have everything you want and need, and no more.

Software should be cross-platform compatible

If your software isn’t cross-platform friendly, you risk wasting huge chunks of time using workarounds to collaborate with your financial advisors. For example, if you use a Mac and want to share data with your PC-using accountant, you’ll need to export data files to them saved in a Windows format. Even at this stage, you’ll often run into compatibility issues.

In the meantime, while your accountant is looking at your data, you won’t be able to make changes to it because you can’t merge their changes into your existing file. It’s only when they’re finished with the file that you can re-import it. In many cases, the software won’t work on all browsers either, which makes for a poor user experience.

Business apps should integrate with your software

Often Mac accounting software has a limited range of business applications or apps that integrate with it. But if you’re a Mac user, you’ll no doubt be used to having a variety of products that play nicely with your Apple devices. For example, you might already be using Basecamp, project management software that runs in the cloud, and encourages collaboration online. As well as being easy to use on a Mac, iPad and iPhone, Basecamp also integrates with several other apps.

If you’re in the creative industry, Adobe Creative Cloud may be the way you share files, give feedback or save settings across devices. Evernote is another handy online tool that lets you collect and find everything that you need, and collaborate with colleagues online.

All of this considered, it makes sense to look out for financial software that is also flexible enough to allow a range of apps to integrate with it. As your company grows, this will make it much easier to manage all aspects of running your business. For example, you could integrate invoicing, time tracking or job system apps with your financial software. Online tools like Harvest, make time tracking simple for small business – and they’re Mac-friendly. Harvest is time tracking software that lets you see real-time data to keep projects on time and in budget.

Software needs to be simple and frustration-free

Apple design their products so that they are super simple to use. The financial software you choose for your Mac should be just as easy. You should get one consistent, magical experience, whether you’re on a Mac, iPhone, or an iPad. For example, if you’re out and about and need to send an invoice, you should be able to do it on your iPad with minimal effort. It should be as easy as a few taps and you’re done.

With one version for all devices and browsers, doing business becomes much more pain-free and fun. Like an Apple product ‘just works’, your online software should too.

Accounting software on a Mac: Seven points to consider

Intuitive and beautiful design matters
The simple, aesthetically-pleasing form and function of an Apple product is what makes many Mac users loyal for life. So when it comes to your software, don’t skimp on this all-important aspect. Often small business financial applications are bloated with far too many under-used features that only get in the way.
Installation has to be easy
Just like how a Mac works straight out of the box, your small business software should be easy to start using. With cloud software, there are no installations or downloads. You just log in online at any time, from wherever you are. Updates and upgrades are done automatically, and are free.
Great customer support is important
As a Mac user, you are used to outstanding customer support. So it makes sense to choose software with the same level of excellent service, who won’t cut corners on training staff for Mac usage. No matter how complex your problem is, you should have a qualified person answering your questions. Look for companies that produce guides, videos, tutorials and forums to help you with day-to-day business tasks.
Have all your business data in one place
Organising your files on a Mac is as simple as ‘drag and drop’. So consider financial software that works in the same way. When you can drag and drop and attach source files to your invoices, bills, transactions, fixed assets and contacts, your company documents can all live in one place online. Some software will also allow you to email files straight into your accounting application.
Collaborate more with your team
A core belief at Apple is that “collaboration is essential for innovation”. Follow their lead, and ensure that your financial application takes collaboration seriously. Look for software that lets you have as many users as you want, at no extra cost. This will help you collaborate with your accountant or bookkeeper and get the advice you need, when you need it. Your business will be in a much better position to innovate and be successful.
Use online business tools that integrate
Apple products have a huge range of third-party applications that all work seamlessly together. So don’t restrict your business growth by using software that won’t integrate with other apps. Your small business will benefit and run smarter when you can integrate apps with your accounting software to manage all aspects of it from one place. For example, if you’re an online retail business, you could use use cloud-based applications to stay competitive and enhance your customers’ experience.
Stability and security is key
Macs are secure and stable, and not as susceptible to the viruses or hacking that some hardware is prone to. In the same way, the best online accounting software heavily protects your sensitive financial data. Companies that store your data in offsite servers ensure that your information is protected with the highest level of security. All data is encrypted to the same level as your internet banking.
Make business fun again

As a Mac fan, you’ll have a deep-seated appreciation for software that puts ease of use and beautiful design first. Naturally, this means you’ll gravitate towards software that also reflects those qualities. So why not choose a product that not only delights you, but makes business and life easier?

When you’re having fun, and excited about using your accounting software, you’ll be much more in tune with your financial situation and in a better position to grow. And that’s got to be good for business.

XERO Small Business Guides 

Why the best invoicing software is easy to use

Duncan Nevin

It’s vital that the invoicing software your small business uses is a sound investment. After all, it can determine whether or not your business establishes and maintains a healthy cashflow.

Invoicing shouldn’t be tedious or complicated.

Everyone knows a smooth billing process saves you time and money, yet many small businesses are frustrated by their invoicing system. This seems counter-intuitive, because making money should be fun!

So why do small businesses find the billing process such a headache? One common issue is the re-keying and double (or even triple) handling of invoice data. Many people with traditional invoicing software still use a manual process – typing up each new invoice to deliver it via snail mail.

Cashflow is essential for small business, and invoicing plays an integral part in their success or failure. However, getting paid on time is not something businesses are confident about at the moment. According to recent data published by Dun & Bradstreet, businesses are waiting 54 days to be paid. These payment delays have a negative effect on cashflow and mean that money isn’t available for small businesses to pay their own bills.

If your invoicing is easy, quick and available online, the flow of money is much faster. If you can generate an invoice while you’re out and about, or on a job, then you’re ahead of the game. The faster a customer or client receives an invoice, the sooner you get paid.

The trouble with traditional invoicing software

You often don’t get paid on time.
The steps involved are too manual, easy-to-mess-up and time consuming.
Invoice templates can’t be customized.
There’s a lack of visibility – it’s difficult to record and track what stage the billing process is at.
You can feel disconnected from your customers if you can’t see the same information at the same time.
Invoicing should be easy and seamless

Getting paid should be simple and fun, not stressful or complicated. It should be a pleasure to do business. When we chat to the small business community, it’s clear that the billing process needs to be simple. One thing we hear about invoicing is that it would be much easier if you could do it anywhere, from any device.

With e-invoicing or online invoicing, your customers can pay invoices immediately with the click of a button. There’s nothing to get lost in the mail, and you can see exactly when your customers have opened your invoice.

Six ways your business runs faster and smarter with online invoicing

Automation of tasks that were traditionally manual, saves you time and money, leaving you more capacity to grow your business. 
You have a clearer picture of your cashflow. Invoices are updated in real-time, every time you record a payment on one, edit one or reconcile one.
Payments are made quickly – your customers can pay online with the click 
of a button.
You can create professional, customizable invoices from any device, any time. When your customers have paid or even seen an invoice, you’ll be notified.
There’s a much better connection to your customers – you can see the same documents at the same time.
You have greater insight – you can see how much money you’ve made, and which clients owe the most. You can send an outstanding bills link to customers that still owe you.
Online invoicing speeds up the flow of money and data

Paying online is dramatically faster and simpler for both businesses and customers. Businesses can see when their invoices have been viewed. Meanwhile, the customers can see the most up-to-date status of their payments, including all outstanding and overdue payments.

This means the relationship between you and your customers is much more in sync. Financial transactions recorded in real-time closes the gap between money flowing and keeping proper business records.

Small business accounting has been fundamentally changed by the introduction of cloud computing. When sending invoices becomes simple and seamless, your business will reap the benefits.

XERO Small Business Guides